Participatory titles
de Cal Paler Nou
Cal Paler Nou is a pioneering initiative in Vallès Oriental located on a plot of land recovered and purchased by the cooperative in 2018 with the financing of participatory titles and the contributions of the project partners.
We are launching a participatory title acquisition campaign to complete the Cooperative housing project of Cal Paler Nou in Cardedeu. The titles to be acquired are €500 each, pay 2% annually, and are renewable every year. You have more information about the operation of participatory titles here.
Cal Paler Nou is a pioneering project in the country, which has recovered with the collective effort of many families, a plot of private property to guarantee the right to housing for the residents of Cardedeu. On this site we will build a building of 39 cooperative homes under a right of use regime with great social and environmental value, which has been cataloged as a "Work of special municipal interest" by Cardedeu City Council. More than half of the homes that will be built will be of official protection, and the building will have almost zero energy consumption (nZEB).
The project began in 2018, and in these years we have reached all the milestones: we have consolidated a Driving Group of partners fully involved in the promotion of the project, we have completed the urban processing of the rezoning and urbanization project of La Serreta , we have obtained proposals for bank financing, we have obtained an important subsidy from the State Housing Plan, we have started processing the building permit and we have completed the architectural project through a participatory process with the partners.
But we still have work to do, in the coming months we will have to close the bank financing, we will have to prepare the construction budget and hire the construction company, and definitively obtain the building permit to be able to start construction and make the dream of Cal Paler Nou. do you help us