These features are linked to the social interest, since the cooperatives in right of use are constituted, in essence, without profit, thus, it is the residents themselves who are their owners. In addition, they integrate public and private initiative in a non-speculative market.
The cooperative is always the owner of the homes and is created with the intention of an indefinite duration. It is therefore not possible to transform the model to obtain privately owned homes. Collective ownership prevents speculation, since makes individual profit impossible from the rental or sale of the home. At the same time, it allows and encourages the participation of the members of the cooperative, who are also its owners, unlike a model in which ownership is public.

In a right of use cooperative all the residents are part of one democratic and participatory organization.
Homes are considered a utility and members of the cooperative can enjoy them indefinitely or for a very long period. It requires an initial contribution and the payment of monthly installments which derive from the costs of acquisition, maintenance and operation of the cooperative housing project, and not from the situation of the real estate market.

As the right of use is established for an indefinite period of time, members of the cooperative can live there throughout their lives. This allows you to have one stable housing where to develop your own long-term life project with ties to the territory.
In projects where the ownership of the land or the building does not belong to the cooperative, the period of the right of use may be limited. In the case of public lots transferred with surface rights, the period is generally 75 years.