Sostre Cívic

  • > what is Sostre Cívic?

    Sostre Cívic is a mixed cooperative of housing and non-profit users that promotes an alternative model of access to housing through dissemination, advice, the search for financing, and the promotion and management of cooperative housing in right of use regime.

    Sostre Cívic formally it is constituted by Sostre Cívic Association i Sostre Cívic SCCL. You can consult the statuses of both entities on the page of transparency

  • > Where and when was he born?

    Sostre Cívic was born as an association in Barcelona in 2004 with the aim of promoting alternatives to access and ownership of housing based on the right of use model. In 2010, it was also set up as a cooperative to promote and promote cooperative housing projects in right of use.

  • > How is it organized?

    The General Assembly of members is the one who defines the guidelines and performance objectives of the entity. It is normally convened once a year to approve the accounts and budgets and the Work Plan, as well as the election of members of the Governing Council to appoint this body. The technical team is in charge of supporting all the tasks necessary for the sustainability and management of the entity.

    You can consult the different governance spaces we have at Sostre Cívic this article.

  • > What is the General Assembly?

    The General Assembly is the organization's highest decision-making body: in it the social will is expressed and the relevant decisions are taken. Participation is on an individual basis and one vote is counted per member.

  • > What is the Governing Council?

    The Governing Council is the organization's management and representation body, and is responsible for the execution of the Work Plan approved by the General Assembly. It meets monthly and is made up of members who may have been chosen by direct election in the General Assembly or by cooperative housing projects.

    You can check who are the current members of the Governing Council in this link.

  • > How many partners are there?

    We currently have more than 1550 members spread throughout the territory! If you want to join, you can fill out this form and help us grow the organization.

  • > How is the relationship with other entities?

    A Sostre Cívic we work together with other entities of the social and solidarity economy with whom we share values, principles and objectives. We promote cooperatives in the form of living and organization, but also through the demand, consumption and use of services and products provided by social economy entities.

    If you want to know the spaces and entities where we participate and with which we collaborate, click this article.

the model

  • > What is cooperative housing in right of use?

    It is an alternative model of access and ownership of housing that is based on the collective ownership of a property by the cooperative and the payment of the right of use by the users (members of the Cooperative). It is a model halfway between ownership and renting, fairer and more accessible, which avoids speculation and transforms the housing access system

  • > How does the right of use work?

    The home is considered a use asset that partners can enjoy for a long period of time or an indefinite time. It is acquired by paying an initial (returnable) fee and a stable monthly fee, which varies according to the project.

  • > Can I transfer the right of use of the home to other people?

    Subrogation of the right of use is possible in the following cases:

    • Free transmission to other members of the cohabitation unit, as long as they have been living together for at least the previous 12 months.
    • In the event of death, the heirs may apply for the allocation of the home as the owner of the right of use, provided that the heir meets the requirements, is a cohabiting partner and has been living with the owner for at least of 12 consecutive months in the last 3 years prior to death. 

    For more details, you can consult Section 5 of the Statutes of Sostre Cívic.

  • > What are the advantages of this model compared to buying or renting?

    The right of use model allows both the stability of the purchase and the mobility of the rental: it is established for an indefinite period, and the partner can leave the project whenever he wishes. In addition, this model has other weight advantages:

      • It promotes collective housing and self-management, generating more communal ways of living.
      • It favors the maintenance of heritage: it can give way to disused heritage.
      • It makes housing more accessible, facilitates sustainability, participation and social transformation. 
      • It ensures participation and self-organization through cooperative management and collective decision-making.
  • > What challenges does this model pose?

    Achieving a cooperative housing project is a long, but very exciting process, which presents different difficulties such as the creation and cohesion of the group, obtaining the land or the building, and obtaining financing.

    Even so, the steps that have already been taken here and in other countries make it possible to face these challenges with more guarantees. In addition, with this objective a Sostre Cívic we promote different projects, facilitating the creation of a network of mutual support to share resources and knowledge, carry out joint activities and establish support mechanisms between projects.

  • > Are there experiences in other countries?

    In other countries, cooperatives in right of use are a very widespread model and a real housing alternative. Particularly noteworthy are Denmark (with 30% of the housing stock, achieved in 100 years), Germany (10% of the housing stock, more than 1,8 million homes, in 75 years) and Uruguay (5% of the housing stock in 40 years).

    To the Guide to international experiences you can learn about these and other examples in more depth.

  • > Who is this model aimed at?

    The partners of Sostre Cívic they are very diverse and have very different life situations. Many of the members are looking for projects in right of use in Barcelona and its metropolitan area, there are also groups that want to carry out projects in rural environments, or people from the age of 55 who work for senior cohousing models to live the old age in a self-managed way.

    But all of them have in common that they believe in an alternative and transformative housing model, and that they want to do so through self-management and the participation of partners in the development of all phases of the process. If this is also your case... participate in Sostre Cívic!

  • > Does the model include private spaces or is everything meant to be shared?

    One of the main advantages of a cooperative housing project is the opportunity to share spaces, services and activities. However, it is up to each group to define their coexistence model, deciding which moments and activities they want to share and which they prefer to develop in private spaces.

  • > What are you doing to publicize this new housing model?

    One of the lines of work of Sostre Cívic is the dissemination of the model throughout the territory: we participate in talks, conferences, round tables, debates...

    We also produce informative materials of all kinds, such as our guides that you will find in the section of Download or the videos from our channel Youtube, and we collaborate with the newspaper Crític for your co-op housing blog, Sostre Crític.

Become a member

  • > Can anyone join?

    Anyone over 18 who wants to build a fairer and more sustainable future with a transformative housing model! Each person partner of Sostre Cívic it helps to grow the organization: without the membership of members we would not be able to carry out our social work.

  • > How can I join Sostre Cívic?

    To join, you must fill out this form with your data. This also involves the commitment to pay an annual fee in 4 quarterly payments, and the contribution of €100 of share capital, refundable in case of termination.

  • > What types of quota are there?

    In 2019, the General Assembly established the following types of quota for prospective members:

      • Standard fee: €30 quarterly (80% tax-deductible, up to the maximum amount provided by law).
      • Compensated Standard Fee: €10 quarterly (in case of not being able to take advantage of the fee reduction).
      • Reduced fee: €5 quarterly for unemployed people, under 30s, people in a vulnerable situation and cohabitation units with annual gross income of less than €15.000.
      • Solidarity fee: voluntary fee, higher than €30 quarterly.

    If you later want to change the type of your quota, you can do so at The Internal, in the "My data" menu.

    User or cohabiting partners (that is, with a contract for the assignment of the use of a home) have a single type of fee: the standard fee of €30 per quarter.

  • > What are the benefits of joining?
      • The member number order is one of the selection criteria of the general projects currently underway.
      • Have support and accompaniment during the initial steps to develop a cooperative housing project.
      • Have the right to participate and vote in the Ordinary General Assembly, the decision-making body of the cooperative.
      • Be part of a network of people who share concerns and needs about the habitat.
      • Participate in training spaces and talks that are organized periodically: housing, construction, ecology, economy, cooperatives...
  • > Are there different types of partners?

    Yes, depending on the type of relationship you have with the cooperative: 

    • partners expectant: Natural or legal persons who have not been awarded the right to use any cooperative housing.
    • partners users: members who live in a cooperative home. All people who have habitual and permanent residence in a housing of the cooperative must be members. They can be of two types: 
      • User partner holder of the right of use: the people who have signed the contract, and who assume the legal conditions. It can be one person per home or more than one.
      • User partner living together: those who, without being holders of the right of use over the house, have their usual residence in a house belonging to the cooperative and live with the user members who hold the right of use.

    These types of membership were approved at the 2024 general meeting this document you can find all the information.

  • > How can I unsubscribe?

    To formalize your deregistration as a partner, you must complete the procedure through The Internal. There, go to the "My data" section, and at the end of the page, you can manage the cancellation.

  • > What use will be made of my data?

    Your data will be used to send you periodic e-newsletters with information about Sostre Cívic and other news related to cooperative housing and the right of use model. You can exercise your rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition, as well as revoke the consent given at any time, by communicating this in writing to Sostre Cívic at the street address Casp, 43, baixos, 08010, Barcelona, ​​or to the email

    You can consult the additional and detailed information on data protection in this link.

Seed groups and how to participate

  • > How can I actively collaborate?

    A Sostre Cívic you will be part of a network of people who believe in a more social and conscious alternative housing model, where there are different spaces where you can collaborate and participate:

      • Open space: Space for debate and general work of the cooperative, open to all members and with individual participation. It meets 3 times a year.
      • Space for groups: Space for debate and general work of the cooperative, open exclusively to members of consolidated groups and cooperative housing projects in right of use.
      • General and transversal committees: Work spaces to address a specific objective or delimited topic with a medium-long term work period.
      • Exchange of speakers: Group of partners who participate in the dissemination of the model and the activity of the entity.
  • > What are seed groups?

    Members are grouped by similar interests to participate together and actively, creating groups according to age, geographic area, or affinity. There are currently more than 10 groups of active partners in the search for heritage in different parts of Catalonia.

  • > How are seed groups organized?

    The groups work independently, with the support and accompaniment of the technical team of Sostre Cívic. The group must come together and work to deepen their reason for being, what motivates them to live together, and define the key elements of their collective housing project.

    It is the members of each group who democratically take the decisions that affect them as a group, such as the joining of new people or the termination of others.

  • > How can I start a project if I'm not part of any seed group?

    You can join other existing groups that are looking for new members! Find out which of our groups are open and looking for new members this article, with the filter "Open to new members".

    In addition, quarterly we hold specific workshops for members who do not have a group where, through dynamics designed to share motivations and desires, new groups of like-minded people emerge who can start a new project.

  • > Can a group of friends start a cooperative housing project?

    Of course! Seed groups can be affinity groups: from a group of friends or relatives to a neighborhood association or group of students' families. To appear on our website and for us to accompany you in your project, you can write to and we will explain the next steps.

    Groups are also formed after the quarterly workshops we organize for members without a group, or after processes of expanding existing groups (if a person leaves or if more people are needed to reach the minimum coexistence units to lead to finish the project).

Fees and financial management

  • > Can I finance the projects without being a member?

    Yes, you can participate in the campaigns Tornassol, the participative title campaigns we launch for the financing of cooperative housing projects. They are a form of voluntary financing, open to all interested people: whether they are members of a cooperative or not, and want to contribute to making the initiative possible.

    To learn more about these campaigns, you can visit the website

  • > How are the projects financed?

    Approximately 70% of the investment is financed by entities in the field of ethical finance, and the rest is made with user contributions, the social capital of the cooperative and the quotas that can be returned in the event of termination.

    There are, however, mechanisms that can facilitate financing, such as participatory titles or collective financing (micro-patronage or crowdfunding) that can allow a large group of people to make a small contribution to the project.

  • > What amount of money are we talking about in the initial payments of the projects?

    Each project has a specific financial plan and the amount varies for each case, but in general it is common that between 10 and 25% of the expenses must be assumed in the months prior to the start of construction, and the rest during the period of the works, of one or two years. In the case of the purchase of the building or land, the cost must also be paid before the works begin. 

    The projects we currently promote have an initial contribution of between 2.000 and 35.000 euros, depending on each project. This member's initial entry is returnable at the time they want to leave the project because another person will enter in their place by providing the initial entry.

  • > What do the initial costs of a project include?

    Initial costs include:

      • The purchase of land or an existing building, in case it is not obtained by other mechanisms. 
      • The cost of construction and construction-related expenses 
      • Professional advice for project definition: architectural, legal, financial, relational, management support, etc.
  • > Once living in the flat, what do I have to pay?

    Every user member of a cooperative housing project must pay the monthly fees, which are grouped into project fees and sustainability fees.

    The project fees are intended to cover all expenses related to the project, its financing and related services and will therefore be different for each project. With the sustainability quotas, each cooperative housing project must contribute to the sustainability and viability of Sostre Cívic, the replicability of projects and strengthening the model. In this case, the criterion will be common to everything Sostre Cívic.

  • > What happens when someone doesn't pay the fee?

    The monthly fees derived from the use of the house are mandatory. Failure to pay the amount equivalent to more than three periodic installments may be grounds for expulsion. In any case, it will be the responsibility of each cooperative housing project to ensure the effective fulfillment of the quotas and comply with the established obligations.

  • > Who decides the quotas?

    Once the users live in the cooperative housing project, the assembly of each cooperative housing project must determine and update annually the resulting quotas for each user, both project and sustainability.

    With regard to the sustainability quotas, the criteria and amounts approved by the general assembly of Sostre Cívic, since its management and purpose is at a general level, beyond each project.

  • > Are the fees refundable?

    Under no circumstances are the mentioned project and sustainability fees refundable by the user. In addition, the surpluses are not distributed among the partners, considering the status of a non-profit cooperative that it has Sostre Cívic.

    In accordance with the statutes and the law, only the project use contribution, which corresponds to the cooperative's share capital, is returnable. However, the cooperative can deepen and agree in assembly the development of other financing quotas, in accordance with the statutes, such as periodic capital contributions.

  • > Is there a quota limit?

    The quotas correspond to the concepts and expenses described and are therefore not subject to any limitations beyond what the cooperative agrees in its social bodies. However, in homes that are classified as official protection housing or HPO, the usage fee (equivalent to the rent for the home) is limited in accordance with the maximum rent prices for sheltered housing that established by the Generalitat.

    In these cases, current regulations provide that taxes, as well as community services and supplies (equivalent to the service fee) can be collected in addition to the income from sheltered housing. Apart from the HPO, there are also the financial obligations of the users with the cooperative contracted by their status as partners.

  • > Once I have my flat, can I sell it?

    The right of use cooperative proposes a new way of understanding housing as an asset for use and not as an investment asset. That is why the cooperative is always the owner of the homes and is created with the intention of an indefinite duration, to prevent the model from being transformed to obtain privately owned homes. Collective ownership prevents speculation, as it makes individual profit from renting or selling the home impossible!

Cooperative housing projects

  • > What steps must be followed to carry out a project?
    1. Find group and place: Create a group or join an existing one. In parallel, potential locations or existing heritage must be found.
    2. Define the project: The coexistence model, the architectural model, the financial study and the legal model must be defined.
    3. Feasibility study: Accurate analysis of the urban conditions of the land, architectural draft of the project to be done, Economic and financial plan of the promotion. This is carried out by external professionals to guarantee the solvency of the study and credibility with third parties (such as financial institutions, administrations...)
    4. Obtain the land or building: Through purchase or surface right.
    5. Works and financing: It's time to materialize the project! It is necessary to prepare the executive project, define the budget and obtain the financing of the project.
    6. Live: The monthly usage fee is paid and the members are in charge of the day-to-day management.
  • > How are decisions made about the project?

    Each housing project of Sostre Cívic it is managed independently and has its own assembly, in the same way that it has separate economic management and financing, and the risks are not shared between the different projects of the cooperative. The projects are autonomous and define their organization and internal regulations.

    However, the key aspects of the model (such as avoiding the sale of assets) are regulated by the general statutes of the cooperative and any modification must be approved in the General Assembly.

  • > What does the project assembly decide and what does the General Assembly decide?

    Each project has its assembly and the General Assembly cannot decide on the issues that affect each project, if they do not commit to the basic elements of the model and the values ​​of the cooperative, such as the sale of the property or other key aspects of the model approved by the General Assembly. 

    In addition, the projects participate in the general governance of Sostre Cívic, to the General Assembly, the commissions and the Governing Council: these bodies will not propose measures that hinder the correct development of the projects since they will be the first interested parties.

  • > How long does a project take to get going?

    The duration is very variable! It all depends on how quickly the three fundamental elements to move a project forward are consolidated: forming a group, obtaining an asset and obtaining financing. Once these three elements are in place, we enter the definition phase of the project, with the participatory design and construction process, which can last about 2 or 3 years.

  • > What role does it play? Sostre Cívic to support the project?

    Sostre Cívic it is a phased or project cooperative, that is to say, a single cooperative that promotes several cooperative housing projects. It has an internal technical structure that accompanies the projects and facilitates their management and execution, providing support in the different stages. It is coordinated by the Governing Board and is organized by work areas, which respond to the axes of the annual Work Plan. 

    You can check who are the current members of the technical team and what task each one does in this link.

  • > What criteria are used to allocate available places to projects?

    The main criterion when transferring the right to transfer the use of a home is the order of seniority on the list of expectant partners. 

    An exception may be projects that already have an established seed group that has identified and worked on the lot or building that becomes part of the cooperative's heritage. This type of project is called a group initiative, as opposed to general initiative projects.

  • > Can some projects have specific admission criteria?

    Yes, for certain projects, some specific criteria can be established that the coexistence units must meet in order to obtain the right of use, and which can be differentiated according to who defines them:

      • Specific criteria for the cooperative housing project: For example, in senior cooperatives it is possible to establish the age that people must be to become members.
      • Land ownership criteria (private or public): For example, if the building is located on land qualified as housing with official protection or if the land ownership establishes specific criteria for access.
  • > Do you have completed projects?

    Yes! We currently have 13 coexistence projects, which add up to a total of 175 homes. On the map of the projects page you can filter them to see those that are already in coexistence, and check each project in detail.

  • > In which parts of the territory do you develop your activity?

    At the moment, we have groups and projects in Barcelona, ​​Lleida, Maresme, Santpedor, Valencia, Castelldefels, Sabadell, Santa Coloma, Sant Feliu de Guíxols... But they can be anywhere in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and the Valencian Country! If you want to start a group or join one already created, you can consult this page. The this article you can consult all our projects.

  • > Can I offer my own building or land for a project?

    Yes, you can transfer the property in the right of surface, which is the right to build a building or dispose of one that already exists in someone else's property for an agreed period of time. The ownership of the constructions corresponds to the superficial person, while the ownership of the land is maintained by the original holder.

    Ownership of the land transferred in surface right is usually public, but a private property can also be transferred in surface right for up to 90 years. The criteria for the assignment and economic fee depend on the property.

  • > Can I leave the project at any time?

    Of course! The repayment of the contributions to the capital of the user partners will occur in the shortest possible time after the existence of a new partner who is awarded the right of use in respect of the same cooperative housing as the user partner who is given of leave or within the term set by mutual agreement between the partner and the cooperative, and taking into account the state of conservation and the improvements made to the cooperative housing.

    For more details, you can consult article 20 of the Statutes of Sostre Cívic.

If you have more doubts, you can write to and arrange a personal visit with us. Monthly we organize open informative talks where we explain the model of housing in right of use and the operation of Sostre Cívic. You can consult the schedule of activities this article.