Let's review 2024 and prepare for 2025
7.01.2025The year 2023 has meant for Sostre Cívic a stage of conquering challenges, establishing alliances and consolidating commitments with cooperative housing.
Let's review 2024 and prepare for 2025
7.01.2025The year 2023 has meant for Sostre Cívic a stage of conquering challenges, establishing alliances and consolidating commitments with cooperative housing.
We ask the vice-president of the Spanish government for more support for cooperative housing
20.12.2024A specific fiscal framework, more funding and public guarantees and facilitating access to diverse groups, the main demands of cooperativism... Read more »
The cooperatives denounce the stoppage of social housing in Barcelona
9.12.2024Barcelona has not assigned any new plots to the ESAL agreement (non-profit entities) since 2022, paralyzing social housing and... Read more »
The cooperative housing La Bastida – Pati del Gall looking for partners
4.12.2024Vilafranca del Penedès begins work on its first cooperative housing building in right of use. Located on Carrer Nord, it includes... Read more »
Walden XXI secures its future with ethical and cooperative financing
22.11.2024The first cooperative co-housing for the elderly in Catalonia guarantees its viability with turnkey financing... Read more »
Sostre Cívic joins the demonstration "Lower the rents" this November 23
21.11.2024This Saturday, November 23, at 17 p.m. in Plaça Universitat de Barcelona, the movement for the right to... Read more »
The Council of Europe's Development Bank awards the biggest ever European funding to a cooperative to build more... Read more »
October of open doors to cooperatives and the Social Economy
31.10.2024More than 150 people visit the buildings of Sostre Cívic during the Open House weekend This fall... Read more »
Open doors of our cooperative homes during the 48h Open Coop House
17.10.2024The weekend of October 25 to 27, Sostre Cívic organizes the 48h Open Coop House, a parallel event... Read more »
La Voliana: we inaugurate our first cooperative housing in Lleida
10.10.2024La Voliana is the new and our first cooperative housing project in right of use in Lleida, where we have transformed... Read more »
Catalan cooperativism collects 9.000 euros in support of the Palestinian popular economy
7.10.2024The campaign of solidarity with Palestine promoted by Sostre Cívic with a set of Catalan cooperatives, has managed to raise approx... Read more »
The BBC broadcasts a documentary with the participation of Sostre Cívic
2.09.2024The documentary connects Catalan housing cooperatives with the most advanced theories of the movement for global economic decline.... Read more »
New Training Plan 2024-2025 a Sostre Cívic
25.07.2024With the arrival of the new year, also comes a new edition of the school of Sostre Cívic! We have the new one ready... Read more »
A work with a lot of future: Walden XXI lays the foundation stone
22.07.2024Walden XXI begins work on the first cooperative co-housing for the elderly in Catalonia More than 100 people attend... Read more »
#senior #Walden XXI
More public land for cooperative housing in Barcelona!
9.07.2024In 2024, it will be 10 years since they began with the first cooperative housing projects in right of use in Barcelona: The... Read more »
The participation of Sostre Cívic in the organization and content of the Congress, it refers to the cooperative housing in transfer... Read more »
We celebrate a record Assembly facing new challenges and celebrating 20 years
2.07.2024With the participation of more than 200 members, we held their Ordinary General Assembly at the Ateneu Popular de 9... Read more »
#Internal participation
HABITAR: the new magazine on the right to housing promoted by CRÍTIC i SOSTRE CÍVIC
23.06.2024The two cooperatives strengthen ties organically: Sostre Cívic will become a collaborating partner of CRÍTIC, and CRÍTIC will become... Read more »
We celebrate the start of work on Terra de Mar a Palamós
21.06.2024During the inaugural act of starting works, more than 50 people accompanied us, supporting the driving partners of the first... Read more »
June 29: General Assembly of Sostre Cívic
13.06.2024We will celebrate 20 years sharing key information for the promotion of new projects and strengthening our Statutes in key aspects... Read more »
#AUG #General Assembly #Internal participation
We start the works of Cal Paler Nou in Cardedeu
27.05.2024Crowdfunding and public interest: Cal Paler Nou starts with a strong social and public involvement The partners of Cal... Read more »
We promote a solidarity campaign with Palestine with Catalan cooperativism
22.05.2024In line with our cooperative values of international solidarity and commitment to social justice, as stated in principle 6... Read more »
Partners drive Sostre Cívic towards the leap of scale of cooperative housing
26.04.2024Nearly 200 members of Sostre Cívic they participated in the annual meeting, preparing the cooperative for the growth it will entail... Read more »
#Activities #Internal participation #Meeting of Partners
Meeting of Partners of Sostre Cívic: a day of training and key work for the ladder jump
12.04.2024Community care, the challenges of the drought and the new rent regulation will be the axes that will open the... Read more »
#Activities #Internal participation
2024: The year of water a Sostre Cívic
21.03.2024We face the climate emergency and the commodification of a common good as basic as water, through a unique project based on mutual cooperation and innovation
#Facilities #Mobility #Monitoring #Sustainability #Environmental sustainability #Supplies
Work begins on the cooperative housing of Palamós, Terra de Mar
18.03.2024Work begins on the first cooperative housing in cession of use a Palamós, a project of Sostre Cívic in collaboration with the city council.
#Costa Brava #Gironès #Cooperative Housing #Palamós
Sostre Cívic defends co-operative housing for the elderly in Parliament
4.03.2024Members of the Elderly Table of Sostre Cívic present to the Social Rights Commission of the Parliament of... Read more »
We make sustainable housing: from construction to monitoring
21.02.2024One of the fundamental pillars of Sostre Cívic is environmental sustainability. We ensure that this is present in every phase of the projects we carry out: from design and construction, to the day-to-day lives of the people who live there, to the end of the useful life of the materials.
#Facilities #Mobility #Monitoring #Sustainability #Environmental sustainability #Supplies
We are launching the fleet of shared electric bikes
9.02.2024A Sostre Cívic we incorporate a fleet of 15 bicycles at the reach of 5 projects in coexistence to promote sustainable mobility.
El Turrós promotes a micro-patronage campaign to build an agri-food workshop
11.01.2024The aim is to make available to the people of the territory spaces and tools for self-employment and agri-food production
2023: towards a necessary leap of scale
29.12.2023The year 2023 has meant for Sostre Cívic a stage of conquering challenges, establishing alliances and consolidating commitments with cooperative housing.
Debate: "Inclusive and accessible architecture in cooperative housing"
14.12.2023Last November 29 we reflected and learned about how we can make an inclusive architecture where all social diversity is integrated, and especially people with functional diversity.
The cooperative housing in Vilafranca is looking for partners to expand the driving group
28.11.2023Sostre Cívic and La Bastida promote the city's first cooperative housing with 24 homes on the municipal lot on Carrer Nord
We deploy our Protocol against sexist and LGBTIQ-phobic violence
24.11.2023On the occasion of 25N, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, from Sostre Cívic we want to show our rejection of sexist and LGBTIQ-phobic violence, and reaffirm our commitment to eradicating them.
Let's pedal towards the future: how does cooperative housing promote sustainable mobility?
13.11.2023A Sostre Cívic we believe that the future of mobility is driven by shared bicycles and electric cars, and we'll tell you how we make it possible.
48h Open Cooperative House: discover inside the projects of Sostre Cívic
16.10.2023On the weekend of October 21 and 22, as part of the 48h Open House Barcelona event, Sostre Cívic opens its doors so you can get to know some of our projects up close.
We inaugurate La Xicoira: example of public collaboration to recover disused heritage
10.10.2023On October 6 we opened La Xicoira, in an event headed by the president of the Generalitat Pere Aragonès, who claimed cooperative housing as an essential tool to grow the affordable housing stock.
Trade unionism and cooperativism raise the first stone of a new culture of the right to housing
4.10.2023Sostre Cívic and the Tenants' Union present their agreement with the aim of building an alternative to real estate.
#Activities #Diffusion of the model #Political impact
The school Sostre Cívic new school year begins
20.09.2023We are starting the second year of the new training plan Sostre Cívic, after the good reception of the first, to continue progressing in self-management and participation of members.
#Internal participation
Sostre Cívic and the Tenants' Union unite for the right to housing
19.09.2023The social bases of the two entities are coming together to consolidate the fight for access to decent housing in an event that we will present on Thursday, September 28.
#Activities #Political impact
The Granollers cooperative housing is looking for members to live there
14.09.2023In order to spread more details about the project and offer the opportunity to be part of it, the driving group ofEl Cairó will organize three information sessions in the city of Granollers.
Success of the Assembly of Sostre Cívic: forging a more feminist and sustainable future
3.07.2023The approval of the Protocol against gender-based violence, the Strategic Plan and the launch of 4 new projects mark the coming years of the entity.
We are promoting a new project in Manresa for young and old people ready to move in
21.06.2023El Rusc is our new project in Manresa, with twelve cooperative homes, intended primarily for young people and the elderly.
Cooperativism is claimed as an international reference for guaranteeing the right to housing
12.06.2023The International Festival of Social Housing held in Barcelona has been a platform to make visible the cooperative housing projects in right of use.
Sostre Cívic participates in the International Social Housing Festival in Barcelona
25.05.2023We organize and collaborate with more than 10 activities during the 3 days of the main international social housing congress.
The Barcelona City Council has signed the surface right on a plot of land located in the Sant Andreu district, in favor of Sostre Cívic.
The cooperative housing of Palamós work will begin in the fall
11.05.2023The cooperative social housing project of Palamós it already has all the necessary procedures to start its construction.
More than 100 people participate in the first meeting of members of Sostre Cívic
8.05.2023On Saturday, May 6, a great day took place at Nau Bostik: the first meeting of members.
Walden XXI obtains 70% of the financing for the first cooperative senior housing in Catalonia
5.05.2023In 6 weeks €254.000 have been collected, 70% of the total goal set. A second issue of participatory titles is now open to the public.
'El Cairó' will be the new cooperative housing project in Granollers
27.04.2023Sostre Cívic will manage the project that will be built in 2026 on a municipal lot awarded through a public tender.
The partners of La Mola come to live there!
1.04.2023Today we delivered keys to the neighbors of La Mola, a renovated building in Terrassa to offer decent and affordable housing in the municipality.
We will build 60 officially protected homes on public land in Manresa
30.03.2023Sostre Cívic will build a promotion of a minimum of 60 homes in Manresa (Bages) on land owned by the municipality.
Clau Mestra he already has the keys to the first cooperative housing in Sant Cugat
27.03.2023We inaugurate Clau Mestra, a project that serves as an example of public-cooperative collaboration to give rise to solutions to the housing crisis
Can 70 sign the surface right of the lot where you will make your project a reality
27.03.2023After more than 7 years of work, Can70 signs with the Barcelona City Council the surface right to make its project a reality.
2023 is the year of sustainable mobility a Sostre Cívic!
24.03.2023This year we want to promote and establish sustainable mobility in cooperative housing projects in the coexistence phase or about to enter it.
The first residents of the cooperative social housing in Valls are moving in
21.03.2023A second phase of registration is now open to all residents of municipalities in Catalonia who meet the HPO requirements.
8M: a comprehensive protocol to fight against masculinity indoors and outdoors
9.03.2023We are making progress in the drafting of the Protocol against sexist and LGBT-phobic violence before its approval at the Assembly in June.
Sant Andreu will host the largest inclusive cooperative housing project in the country
21.02.2023The project includes an inclusive community accompanied by the TEB cooperative group of up to 24 people with intellectual disabilities.
We celebrate international successes by opening a new stage
17.02.2023Nearly 200 people filled Nau Bostik in Barcelona yesterday, Thursday 16 February, during the festive event to celebrate the two recent international recognitions we have received.
We promote 'Les claus', a podcast from Crític to act as a guide to cooperative housing
16.02.2023Knowing first hand how it is to live in a cooperative home and listening to the advice of the experts when starting a project of this nature is the basis of the eight radio episodes that have promoted CRÍTIC, Sostre Cívic and Habicoop
Sostre Cívic receives the Social Innovation Award from the European Commission
3.02.2023The Catalan housing cooperative was one of the three awarded initiatives among the 21 finalist proposals in the Competition... Read more »
Sostre Cívic receives the Social Innovation Award from the European Commission
3.02.2023Sostre Cívic has been one of the three awarded initiatives among the 21 finalist proposals of the European Social Innovation Competition.
is born La Mola, the first cooperative housing project in Terrassa
2.02.2023La Mola looking for tenants! From the 2nd to the 28th of February we open incorporations to live in this pioneering project in the municipality.
Ethical Finances Foundation joins as a new collaborating partner of Sostre Cívic
2.02.2023The agreement involves the contribution of 30.000 euros to the share capital of Sostre Cívic, an investment that will strengthen our economic and financial level
We promote a new project for young people in Palau-solità and Plegamans
20.01.2023We present the agreement signed with the Town Council of Palau-solità and Plegamans to promote a housing and entrepreneurship project for young people.
Consult our Social Balance 2022
12.01.2023Once again we have carried out the Social Balance of the XES to measure the social, environmental and good governance impact of our entity.
Sostre Cívic is recognized with the United Nations Housing Silver Award
5.01.2023The main housing cooperative in Catalonia is one of the four winners of the most important housing awards on an international scale... Read more »
10 reasons to consider that 2022 has marked a turning point in cooperative housing
22.12.2022This 2022, the cooperative housing movement has been able to materialize in substantial results its trajectory of decades of struggle and demands. Don't miss the summary of the year!
Generate community spaces to share a social responsibility for care
20.12.2022Last December 15 we reflected and learned about the gender perspective in residential architecture. Don't miss the chronicle of the debate!
Entities and the neighborhood welcome the Turrós rural project
1.12.2022We inaugurate the first rural project of Sostre Cívic and the first cooperative housing in the Garrotxa region.
Half a thousand people gather in Barcelona preparing the leap of scale for cooperative housing
29.11.2022Last weekend, Barcelona hosted a meeting of more than half a thousand members from different groups... Read more »
We strengthen social and inclusive co-housing thanks to the Singulars project
28.11.2022We want to encourage co-operative co-housing to include people in a vulnerable situation in social housing for, for example, young people who have been abused, women who are victims of sexist violence or people with intellectual diversity.
The participatory process of co-design of the cooperative housing project ends Palamós
23.11.2022Last November 17, we held the last meeting of the participatory process to develop the architectural project for the future cooperative housing in Palamós.
The shared electric car arrives in Calonge and Sant Antoni
18.11.2022The Som Mobilitat i cooperatives Sostre Cívic we have signed an inter-cooperation agreement to promote the use of shared electric cars in the... Read more »
The first Forum of cooperative housing in right of use will be held in Barcelona
14.11.2022It is a meeting on the 25th, 26th and 27th of November in Barcelona to make visible the so-called "cooperative way" to guarantee the right to housing.
We promote the cooperative management of energy consumption in cooperative housing projects
27.10.2022In our cooperative housing projects we promote an energy transition towards a sustainable model, we explain how we do it!
Walden XXI enters the final stretch by opening participation to its financing
13.10.2022The senior cooperative housing project will become the first co-housing for the elderly in Catalonia, starting work in 2023.
Palamós: the participatory process for the architectural design of the project begins
7.10.2022The project group of Palamós meets with the architects of UMMA Arquitectura to begin the process of co-designing the building.
We are opening registrations for the first cooperative social housing project in Valls
5.10.2022We have recovered a disused building to offer a stable and non-speculative housing alternative to the population of Valls.
The event looked at local housing policies to draw common lessons about the importance of a supportive regulatory framework,... Read more »
We collaborate with Formació i Treball and Saó Prat to generate opportunities for insertion in some work processes of our projects.
We are opening the first cooperative housing project for young people in Calonge
19.09.2022We are inaugurating in Calonge the first cooperative housing project in the whole State under the right of use model aimed specifically at people under 35 years of age.
We are starting to draw up the protocol against sexist violence
6.09.2022We have recently started the development of a protocol that will allow us to act in the detection and approach of sexist and LGBTIphobic violence.
Sostre Cívic i Celobert we are finalists with the cooperative housing projects of Cirerers (Barcelona) and Calonge. We explain all the details!
We deliver the first social housing in Palafrugell with the Emergency Desk
15.07.2022It is the first emergency apartment in the entire state that was agreed with social services through a Cooperative housing project in right of use
Clau Mestra begins the last phase of his works
14.07.2022The rehabilitation project of the old Houses of the Masters in La Floresta enters the final stage of the work, the last of the process of self-construction of the rehabilitated houses.
La Balma, prize for the best new construction of the AVS awards
4.07.2022Our Poblenou project has been awarded by the Spanish Association of Public Housing and Land Managers. It is the third recognition that La Balma receives in 2022, after being selected by the FAD Awards and the Ibero-American Architecture Biennial.
The General Assembly consolidates the sustained growth of the cooperative
1.07.2022The last Ordinary Assembly approves the new Olesa project, improves internal democracy and advances the strategic debate looking to 2025.
Held in Helsinki (Finland), Sostre Cívic shares his successful experiences in financing, project consolidation and public collaboration.
Sostre Cívic participates in the presentation of the new Neighborhood Law
21.06.2022Last June 20, representatives of the Governing Council and the technical team of Sostre Cívic they appeared in Parliament... Read more »
Palamós opens registrations to access its first cooperative social housing project
20.06.2022Sostre Cívic, with the collaboration of the City Council of Palamós, promotes the first promotion of social housing in a cooperative system in the municipality,... Read more »
Sostre Cívic participates in the Collaborative Housing Day in Finland this year
13.06.2022The different partners of the international CoHabitat Network will organize different round tables and actions to create links this Wednesday 15... Read more »
We promote a new senior cooperative housing project in Sant Hilari Sacalm
12.06.2022We are opening registrations to join the driving group that will make a new cooperative senior housing project a reality in Sant Hilari Sacalm.
Parliament approves by a large majority a Proposal for a Resolution for the recognition and promotion of cooperative housing in right of use.
Incorporations open for the first specific cooperative housing project for young people
2.05.2022We are recovering a disused building in Calonge to offer an affordable and dignified alternative to emancipate the young people of the municipality and region.
We approve two new mechanisms for the financial strengthening of the cooperative
22.04.2022Last April 20, we approved by a large majority at the General Assembly two new financial strengthening mechanisms for the cooperative.
The cooperative housing touches the sky of Barcelona with Cirerers
1.04.2022The neighbors of Cirerers they already have the keys to their house! Yesterday, March 31, we celebrated the opening party of this project in the Roquetes neighborhood of Barcelona.
All ready to start work on the cooperative housing project in Olesa
29.03.2022We are starting preparations to start the rehabilitation works of what will be the first cooperative housing project in Olesa de Montserrat.
We cooperate with the Olesana Mining Community to promote cooperative housing in Olesa de Montserrat
3.03.2022The Olesana Mining Community becomes a collaborating partner of Sostre Cívic to promote cooperative housing in Olesa de Montserrat.
The interest of the administrations in the cooperative housing model in right of use is growing
21.02.2022In the last months of 2021, there were some colloquiums and trainings where we met the cooperative housing sector in right of use and different administrations at various levels.
We take the first step in Parliament to consolidate the cooperative way for the right to housing
28.01.2022The proposal calls for consolidating the right of use model in Catalonia and enhancing the cooperative public alliance.
10 news that we will not forget this 2021
20.12.20212021 has been key for the impetus of the model and for the consolidation of many of our projects... let's summarize the year in this article!
The cooperative housing project in Olesa is progressing by improving its economic conditions
13.12.2021The initial capital contributions required to enter the project will be below €10.000 after obtaining bank financing from the Catalan Institute of Finance and a grant from the Catalan Housing Agency
Important steps in the affordability of cooperative housing
9.12.2021New developments in the campaign 'We make cooperative housing affordable' with the HabitatCoop aid line of the Generalitat and with the publication of the study "Economic affordability of cooperative housing in right of use: diagnosis, challenges and proposals "
Care and residential architecture
3.12.2021We wanted to know other ways of accessing and designing adapted housing or with services for the elderly or for people with functional diversity, beyond the logic of the market and individual ownership.
Well, yes, today we have a lot to celebrate... we are already more than 1000 members a Sostre Cívic! In this article we collect a historical overview of the trajectory of our entity.
Work begins on the cooperative housing project Clau Mestra
17.11.2021The old Houses of the Masters in Sant Cugat are being rehabilitated to become 11 affordable homes, a project that was born as a result of the fight for the right to housing in La Floresta.
The Dinamo and Sostre Cívic we have signed a participatory loan for the promotion of the project of Cirerers.
#Cirerers #Intercooperation
Peris-Toral arquitectes wins the ideas competition to develop the project of Can 70
15.11.2021The competition launched last October 4 to choose the team of architects that will develop the Can70 project, the first cooperative senior housing on public land in Catalonia, has been resolved.
Llargavista, the cooperative housing observatory – Results 2020
29.10.2021Llargavista makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the cooperative housing sector in right of use. In this new edition and analysis of the data updated in 2020, data from 50 groups and cooperative housing projects in right of use have been surveyed and updated.
Do you like our project and do you believe in the cooperative housing model in right of use? It's your time to start working with us and help make it happen!
The cooperative group of Sostre Cívic
20.10.2021On October 18, we held an extraordinary assembly to strengthen the cooperative housing model of Sostre Cívic.
We start the first challenge with the companies of the Supplier Exchange
13.10.2021The formation of the Exchange concluded with very good results: 58 companies were registered, with different characteristics and level of experience, of which 49 have been accredited as suppliers to the cooperative.
New project for young people in Calonge and Sant Antoni
6.10.2021Together with the Calonge and Sant Antoni City Council, we are promoting the first cooperative housing project specifically for young people in the country.
La Balma, a 100% cooperative building, comes alive
16.07.2021On the afternoon of Thursday 15 July, we handed over the keys to the homes to their partners, in an event in front of the building attended by the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau.
#La Balma
is born El Turrós, our first rural cooperative housing project
8.07.2021We promote our first rural project of Cooperative Housing in right of use! At the initiative of the seed group of the T... Read more »
#El Turrós #Projects #Rural
The cooperative housing projects in right of use do not stop growing, and as a cooperative we need to be able to work with the... Read more »
We celebrate our General Assembly in a hybrid format promoting new cooperative housing projects
6.07.2021Last Friday, July 2, at 18 p.m., we held our Ordinary General Assembly. After... Read more »
#Internal participation #Sostre Cívic
July 2, 2021: Ordinary General Assembly of Sostre Cívic
28.06.2021Next Friday, July 2 at 17.30:XNUMX p.m. all members of Sostre Cívic are called to the General Assembly... Read more »
The project envisages the construction of a building in a cooperative right of use regime, with 34 homes and parking spaces, with a total of 2.590 m2 built and distributed on the ground floor plus five.
#Palamós #Projects
Elaboration of the strategic plan of Sostre Cívic
8.06.2021During these last years, Sostre Cívic has had a significant growth in activity, which has been reflected with an increase... Read more »
#Internal participation
Can70 will be the first cooperative senior housing project on public land in Catalonia
28.05.2021This week the Barcelona City Council has already assigned 12 lots and municipal buildings to be rehabilitated for different entities... Read more »
Can70 will be the first senior cooperative housing project on public land in Catalonia
28.05.2021The project will be developed on two lots located in Sarrià, and will have 32 homes in addition to common spaces and shared services.
About 300 people have gathered in Plaça Sant Jaume in Barcelona on May 15, 2021 during which... Read more »
#Political impact
Cardedeu cooperative housing is looking for interested people and is promoting a funding campaign
19.04.2021We are looking to fill 18 available vacancies in the project Cal Paler Nou, the first cooperative housing project on private land in the country... Read more »
#Cal Paler Nou
Architecture at the service of the elderly
19.04.2021The "Let's build cooperative housing" Cycle was successful with around sixty attendees who took part in a final colloquium on... Read more »
Webinar on cooperative housing financing
15.04.2021On Wednesday, April 28, we organize, together with Vivienda en REAS Red de Redes (the state network of the Social Economy and... Read more »
#Diffusion of the model #Formations
She is one of the first members of Sostre Cívic and is now a resident of Princesa 49, located in the neighborhood of... Read more »
In times of Covid-19, Social Balance of Sostre Cívic
30.03.2021The evaluation of our activity helps us to improve and strengthens us in the context of a pandemic Transparency characterizes us.... Read more »
Cooperative housing arrives in Sant Joan de Vilatorrada thanks to Sostre Cívic
25.03.2021Do you want to live in cooperative housing in Bages? On April 8 (and until the 28th of the month) we will open registrations to participate in this project: Building of 5 homes, in Sant Joan de Vilatorrada, next to Manresa
#Berries #Projects
We work to make possible the first cooperative social housing project in Mollet
17.03.2021This Tuesday we presented, together with Mollet Town Council, the basic project to rehabilitate the old Masters House and house... Read more »
#Mollet #Projects
Accord amb Arç, the insurance managed with ethical and solidarity criteria
10.03.2021We continue to work to build and consolidate networks that promote social and economic transformations. Through mutual cooperation agreements we collaborate with... Read more »
We promote a new cooperative housing project in Lleida
25.02.2021Sostre Cívic has presented to the EMU a preliminary feasibility study to create a building of 25 housing units... Read more »
#Lleida #Projects
Cooperative and sustainable housing, key to FESC2020
16.02.2021Combating climate change and facilitating access to housing will be key to rebuilding society after the pandemic... Read more »
Cooperative and sustainable housing, key to FESC2020
16.02.2021Combating climate change and facilitating access to housing will be key to rebuilding society after the pandemic... Read more »
Do you want to work with us? We are looking for a building studies technician
10.02.2021We are looking for a technical person in communication for replacement due to maternity leave, do you want to be you?
Agreement with Barcelona city council to promote cooperative housing
31.01.2021The agreement establishes the transfer by the City Council of plots of land and municipal buildings to be rehabilitated, and the mechanisms so that they end up being housing cooperatives and social housing foundations that take the projects forward.
# Barcelona #Political impact
The building of Cirerers completes its wooden structure
28.01.2021A new cooperative housing project in right of use in Barcelona is about to become a reality with the completion of the building's wooden structure Cirerers, in the neighborhood of Roquetes.
Chronicle of the talk "Care in the coexistence of elderly people"
8.01.2021Last Wednesday, December 16, we celebrated, electronically, the first talk of our latest cycle "Construïm Habitatge... Read more »
Last Thursday the 3rd we celebrated for the third consecutive year, our day of debate around architecture... Read more »
Summary of the Ordinary General Assembly of December 10, 2020
14.12.2020Last Thursday, December 10, 2020, the Ordinary General Assembly of Sostre Cívic which, by the way... Read more »
#Internal participation
Can affordable, low-impact housing be built with prefabricated systems?
27.11.2020Last November 25, the results of a comparative study between several alternatives of prefabricated systems or... Read more »
#Environmental sustainability
The Sant Cugat teachers' homes are now cooperatives
4.11.2020Today we received definitive possession of the buildings of the Houses of the Masters, located in Sant Cugat del Vallès!
#Clau Mestra #Projects
Statement of support for Casa Buenos Aires
30.10.2020Sostre Cívic we want to add to the shows of support that Casa Buenos Aires has received over the last few hours.
#Political impact
Celebrating 4 years of the SAHC Counseling Service!
20.10.2020Our Cooperative Housing Advisory Service (SAHC) is 4 years old! During this time we have served more than 700 people.
#Diffusion of the model
Conference "Public policies for the promotion of cooperative housing"
2.10.2020If you couldn't attend the day "Public policies for the promotion of cooperative housing", you can't miss this summary!
#Activities #Political impact
Do you want to work with us? We are looking for a communication manager!
1.10.2020We are looking for a technical person in communication for replacement due to maternity leave, do you want to be you?
We bring co-operative housing to young people with the Free Project
28.08.2020Our project "Cooperative homes for young adults" that we presented together with the entity Punt de Reférence was one of the 9 initiatives selected to receive the support of Lliures.
#Social inclusion
The wooden structure of La Balma it's over!
16.07.2020The works of the project of La Balma continue according to the forecasts! The entire finished wooden structure can now be seen. We tell you more details!
#La Balma
Let's start the project works Cirerers to Barcelona
1.07.2020Cooperative housing in right of use continues to grow in Barcelona with the start of works on Cirerers, our second new construction project!!
Registration open for access to the Walden XXI senior project
22.06.2020We are opening the registration period to access the Walden XXI senior cooperative housing project, in Sant Feliu de Guíxols... Sign up!
#Walden XXI
We present new tools and resources for cooperative housing
4.06.2020We share with you the latest cooperative housing resources that we have defined: the "Let's build cooperative housing" guides and the observatory Llargavista.
#Diffusion of the model
We join the #TotesATaula campaign promoted by Opcions
27.04.2020We join the #TotesATaula campaign that the cooperative Opcions has started in the face of the health alert situation and the announced social and economic crisis.
We are opening registrations for the cooperative housing project in Palafrugell
20.04.2020Today we start the registration process to participate in the cooperative housing project in Palafrugell. If you're interested, you can't miss this news!
We strengthen our mutual support tools in the face of the crisis
26.03.2020Sostre Cívic we have decided to take different measures in the face of adversity and the inconsistent present (and future). We explain it to you in this news.
#Sostre Cívic
Special measures in response to the spread of COVID-19
14.03.2020Due to health recommendations, we cancel all open activities and chats until further notice, and prioritize teleworking. You will find us via email!
#Sostre Cívic
We present the guide "Care in the coexistence of elderly people"
3.03.2020On February 26, we presented the guide "Care in the coexistence of elderly people", the result of the collaborative work of the group Can 70, Carenet and Suara.
#Diffusion of the model #senior
Walden XXI buys the building where it will make its project a reality
27.02.2020Today the Walden XXI project has purchased the building where they will make their dream come true: an old hotel from the 70s in Sant Feliu de Guíxols.
#senior #Walden XXI
We promote cooperative housing in Palafrugell!
20.02.2020We start the cooperative housing project in the property acquired in Palafrugell for the right of trial and withdrawal! We explain all the details here.
#Palafrugell #Projects
Second Vermouth Tornassol... and other project news Cal Paler Nou!
27.01.2020Last January 25th we repeated the meeting of purchasers of titles Tornassol de Cal Paler Nou, where we shared all the progress of the project!
#Cal Paler Nou
We promote cooperative housing in Martorell!
13.12.2019We start the cooperative housing project on the property acquired in Martorell for the right of first refusal! We explain all the details in this news.
#Martorell #Projects
We purchase a building in Palafrugell for a new cooperative housing project
21.11.2019This week we acquired a building in Palafrugel to carry out a co-operative housing project of six homes under the right of use regime.
#Palafrugell #Projects
We're 15 years old! And we want to celebrate it together
5.11.2019Since 15 years of history are not celebrated every day, we have come up with a series of proposals and activities to meet and enjoy this moment together. Reserve the days in your calendar!
#Activities #Internal participation #Sostre Cívic
We promote cooperative housing with the Unique Projects 2019
23.10.2019Thanks to having been beneficiaries of the Projectes Singulars 2019 program, we have worked to consolidate the cooperative housing model.
We open the waiting list for the cooperative housing project in Roquetes
2.10.2019Today we open the process of joining the waiting list of Cirerers, a cooperative housing project in the Roquetes neighborhood, in Barcelona! Would you like to be part of it?
We celebrate the start of the works of La Balma!
27.09.2019Cooperative housing in right of use is growing in Barcelona! La Balma it is the first project to start work among all those awarded by the City Council on municipal land in the 2016 competition.
#La Balma
Walden XXI is making progress in consolidating its project
3.09.2019Walden XXI, the senior cooperative housing project in Girona, continues to take steps forward! We explain everything to you in this news.
#senior #Walden XXI
We cooperate with Opcions to facilitate conscious consumption
30.08.2019We have become part ofOpcions as a partner company and we want to explain the reasons and the advantages you can have thanks to this collaboration. Don't miss all the details!
Summary of the Ordinary General Assembly of June 14, 2019
19.06.2019Last Friday, we held the 2019 Ordinary General Assembly at Violeta de Gràcia Sostre Cívic. We tell you everything that happened there!
#Internal participation
New additions to the Walden XXI senior housing project
17.06.2019New additions to the Walden XXI project! We are opening registrations to incorporate other interested people to complete the driving group.
#Walden XXI
Princesa49 receives one of the Barcelona+Sustainable 2019 awards
5.06.2019Congratulations! The Barcelona+Sostenible network has recognized Princesa49 and its energy rehabilitation with the Resilience and Planetary Responsibility Award.
#Awards and recognitions #Princesa49
Housing For All: sign for social and affordable housing in the EU!
8.05.2019The #HousingForAll campaign is a call for European countries to prioritize investment in housing and take a step forward in creating affordable housing.
#Political impact
We sign an agreement with Mollet del Vallès to create social housing
7.05.2019This morning we signed an agreement with Mollet del Vallès City Council to convert the old teachers' house, which at the time was located at the Nicolás Longarón school, into social housing.
#Mollet #Projects
Cal Paler Nou: an intense first year with many advances
30.04.2019This month marks one year since the purchase of the plot of land in Cardedeu where we promote the cooperative housing project of Cal Paler Nou: a year that has served to consolidate little by little the group at the same time as the project is being built!
#Cal Paler Nou
We promote cooperative housing from Coòpolis
27.03.2019We present to you the activities that we will do in the coming months from the Coòpolis Consumer Circle to promote co-operative housing in use!
#Activities #Formations
We bought a building in Martorell to promote a new project
20.03.2019Yesterday we closed the purchase in Martorell of a building to carry out a cooperative housing project under a right of use regime.
#Martorell #Projects
Proposals for the call for State Housing Plan grants
28.02.2019We make proposals to the call for grants from the 2018-2021 State Housing Plan to prevent large housing groups such as investment funds and SOCIMI from receiving subsidies. Housing must be social, stable and cooperative!
#Political impact
More than 135 participants in the Extraordinary General Assembly
25.02.2019Last Friday, February 22, the General Assembly was held Sostre Cívic, of an extraordinary nature. With 137 votes in the room, between attendees and delegates, it was the largest assembly in the history of the cooperative
#Internal participation #Sostre Cívic
Clau Mestra asks the Sant Cugat City Council to implement the agreement
14.02.2019The rehabilitation project Clau Mestra is in a lethargic phase awaiting the execution of the agreement signed with the Sant Cugat del Vallès City Council in 2015.
#Clau Mestra
The cooperative and transformative Housing Sectorial is born!
12.02.2019The XES has approved the creation of the Sectoral of Cooperative and Transformative Housing, a meeting space for entities and groups that want to work together to promote cooperative housing in right of use.
ECOS guide: "Cooperative housing: participate, build, live"
8.02.2019The ECOS cooperative group, of which Sostre Cívic is one of the partner organizations, has released a new issue of its ECOS Transformation guide series, and this time it is dedicated to... housing!
#Diffusion of the model
La Interna: the new virtual space for members of Sostre Cívic
31.01.2019We inaugurate La Interna, a new management and participation tool for members, designed to improve the organization's communication and transparency!
#Internal participation
New cooperative housing projects in the Balearic Islands
22.01.2019Are you interested in starting a cooperative housing project in right of use in the Balearic Islands? Do you want to find people with the same interests to make it possible? Below we give you all the details!
Sostre Cívic, awarded at the 2018 CoopCat Awards
14.12.2018Today we are in luck! This morning we were selected to receive one of the CoopCat 2018 Awards, promoted by the Confederation of Cooperatives of Catalonia.
#Awards and recognitions
Open day: Architecture as a tool for social transformation
3.12.2018Can architecture be a tool for social transformation? What is the role of architecture in the current context of social emergency and collective struggles? And in gender roles? Next December 13th we will debate these and many other issues...
Vermouth Tornassol: Participatory title buyers know the group!
26.11.2018Last November 17 the members of the project of Cal Paler Nou, in Cardedeu, wanted to organize a very special meeting... do you want to know more details?
#Cal Paler Nou
SAHC: We help you make your cooperative housing project possible!
19.11.2018We put at your disposal a technician from Sostre Cívic to resolve doubts in relation to alternatives for access to housing and the promotion of collective housing projects.
#Diffusion of the model
We promote cooperative housing with the Unique Projects 2018
31.10.2018Thanks to having been beneficiaries of the Projectes Singulars 2018 program, since Sostre Cívic we have worked to consolidate the cooperative housing model in right of use and its implementation in the territory.
The creation of the Cooperative Housing Sector is proposed
27.10.2018Today the VII Fira de l'Economia Solidària de Catalunya (FESC) was the setting for the presentation of the proposal for the creation of the Cooperative and Transformative Housing Sector of the XES.
is born La Constructiva! For an ethical, social and sustainable construction
23.10.2018The social economy sector is in luck! It has been established La Constructiva, the first not-for-profit service cooperative oriented to the construction of cooperative houses in right of use.
#La Constructiva
Know all the projects and groups of Sostre Cívic at FESC 2018!
22.10.2018Once again, the essential appointment for Catalonia's social and solidarity economy has arrived! At this year's FESC we want to talk about sovereignties, and from three central axes: economic, resource management and relational.
The project of Sostre Cívic receives one of the prizes of the Social Germinator
11.10.2018On the weekend of October 5 to 7, we participated in the Som Energia School held in Mollina (Málaga), to present the project in the final stretch of Germinador Social 2018, a competition promoted by Som Energia and Coop57.
#Awards and recognitions #Environmental sustainability
We are opening registrations for the Walden XXI senior housing project
28.09.2018Last Saturday, September 22nd, we closed the cycle of information sessions on Walden XXI that took place throughout the month with a very good reception... and now we begin the next phase of the project!
#Walden XXI
See you at the first Cohabitation Meeting in Barcelona!
26.09.2018On Saturday 29 September from 10.30am to 14pm you have an appointment in Barcelona! The different cooperative housing projects in the city will be found on the site of La Balma, at Carrer Espronceda 131-135, to share a morning of experiences, reflections and different activities for the whole family!
Training days "For a conscious, responsible and critical home"
18.09.2018Next October 6 and 20 we are offering training days in Barcelona for all people interested in reflecting on how we make housing from a conscious and critical perspective. Are you signing up?
Information sessions: learn about the Walden XXI senior cohousing project
6.09.2018Do you know what senior cohousing is and would you like to make it happen? Are you interested in being part of a project in Sant Feliu de Guíxols? We invite you to the Walden XXI presentation talks!
#Walden XXI
The process to join the driving group of the Catllar project for the elderly is now open
24.07.2018Do you want to be part of a cooperative senior housing project in Camp de Tarragona? Sign up for the interested party form!
We promote the urban farmhouse: an alternative to access to housing!
17.07.2018If you are interested in this alternative model of access to housing, you can download the manual we have edited on urban farmhouses.
#Diffusion of the model
We present the first co-housing project for the elderly in Catalonia
16.07.2018We present the first co-housing project for the elderly that we are promoting in Catllar (Camp de Tarragona) with the recovery of La Fàbrica to develop a cooperative housing project in right of use with services and shared spaces for active aging and self managed
The neighbors of Princesa49 they already have the keys to their homes!
29.06.2018Last Friday, June 15, the roof of Princesa49 was filled with partners to celebrate the delivery of keys to the homes!
We are finalists in the Germinador Social 2018 awards!
29.06.2018The project of shared self-consumption and sustainability in cooperative housing projects that we presented to the Germinador Social was selected and after the first phase of voting it was a finalist!
#Awards and recognitions #Environmental sustainability
We want to create a social construction company! It is about taking another step in the complete management of projects, from the model of Sostre Cívic and user groups, going through promotion and now adding construction.
#La Constructiva
We celebrate the Ordinary General Assembly
28.06.2018This year we returned to the Convent of Sant Agustí for the celebration of the Ordinary General Assembly of members... more than 85 people participated!
#Internal participation
Final stretch of the project's rehabilitation works Princesa49 in Old City
30.04.2018There are only a few weeks left to complete the rehabilitation works that are being carried out in the building of Princesa49! We tell you all the details in this news...
We buy the plot of land in Cardedeu to promote the project of Cal Paler Nou
3.04.2018Last week, the purchase of the Cardedeu site was made effective where the project of Cal Paler Nou. The project takes another step with the purchase and consolidation of the site!
#Cal Paler Nou
A project promoted by the cooperative in collaboration with the Calonge and Sant Antoni City Council which will be the first in the Girona regions and will become the first project of this type specifically for young people in the country.
Institutional visit to the project Princesa49 to Barcelona
23.02.2018Last February 21 we opened the doors of Princesa49 to receive the visit of the main actors thanks to whom this project has been possible.
Tornassol: participatory titles for the project in Cardedeu!
16.02.2018We are launching this campaign to issue participatory titles with the aim of buying a private lot in the municipality of Cardedeu, where it will be built Cal Paler Nou, a cooperative housing building under a right of use regime.
#Cal Paler Nou
Premiere of the documentary project of Princesa49 in Betevé
9.02.2018The Doc's program from Betevé premieres the documentary project Princesa 49 next Saturday, February 10! We give you all the details.
We promote a new cooperative housing project in right of use in Cardedeu
16.01.2018We want to buy a plot of land in Cardedeu to build a cooperative housing building on lease as a strategic bet for the entity. We explain it to you!
#Cal Paler Nou
Call for Extraordinary General Assembly
12.12.2017We invite you to the General Assembly of Sostre Cívic, which is convened on an extraordinary basis on December 15, 2017 at 18:30 p.m.
#Internal participation
Second meeting of the quotas working group
6.11.2017A dozen partners continue the work to define the criteria and calculation of the usage fees and the initial capital contribution to the co-housing projects.
#Internal participation
First meeting of the future housing sector of the XES
30.10.2017Within the framework of the FESC, collectives and people linked to cooperative housing met to promote a housing sector of the XES.
#Political impact
Neither yours, nor mine: ours and cooperative!
25.10.2017Last Saturday, October 21, during the FESC, the meeting of groups and entities of the XES took place to promote a housing sector.
This weekend, we meet at the FESC!
19.10.2017At this year's FESC, we delve deeper into the commons in the Fabra and Coats area of the Sant Andreu neighborhood. We are waiting for you at our information table!
We are piloting group building workshops
22.09.2017We are starting the process of implementing a strategy for the self-generation of groups within the entity. Want to know what the experience was like?
#Internal participation
New addition to the technical team of Sostre Cívic
8.09.2017On Monday, September 4, we welcomed theEulàlia Tubau, who joins the organization's technical team.
Welcome meeting for new members!
1.09.2017The second meeting of new members that we organize in the organization will take place on September 30. Do you join?
#Internal participation
About twenty partners participate in the debate on quotas
30.06.2017Last Thursday, June 29, the association's members met to discuss and share ideas and visions about how user membership fees should be.
#Internal participation
Last Thursday, June 29, we made the first site visit to the building of Princesa49 with the future neighbors who will live there!
A Sostre Cívic we expand the staff!
28.06.2017The architects Núria Petit and Àngel Estévez have been added to the organization's technical team this past week. Welcome to both!
We make allegations in the State Housing Plan 2018-2021
10.06.2017At the end of last month, we sent the Spanish Ministry amendments at all levels to the State Housing Plan. We explain it to you!
#Political impact
The Training Capsules begin a Sostre Cívic!
2.06.2017We are starting the cycle of training capsules with the aim of offering members training on various topics related to housing.
We will develop two new cooperative housing projects in Barcelona!
1.06.2017With these two new projects Sostre Cívic we are consolidating ourselves as one of the reference entities for developing the cooperative housing model for right of use in the city.
#Cirerers #La Balma
We attend the IV International Cooperative Finance Conference
7.05.2017Last May 5 in the auditorium of Barcelona Activa's Barcelona Nord Technology Park, the XNUMXth Cooperative Finance Financing Conference, Financoop, was held, in which we participated.
We start the project works Princesa49 in Born!
30.04.2017The works of Princesa49, the cooperative housing in the right of use regime in the Born district of Barcelona!
A Sostre Cívic we make decisions together. We all add up!
25.04.2017Last Thursday, April 20, 2017, the partners of Sostre Cívic we participated in the Ordinary General Assembly of Members. We tell you everything that happened there!
#Internal participation
We start the year with a meeting of partners
25.02.2017A large number of partners gathered to have a chat and share the impressions and concerns of the different projects and groups. Check out the pictures of the day!
#Internal participation