Walden XXI, the senior cooperative housing project in Girona, keep taking steps forward! The last few months have been very moving for the people who make up this group and who are working to make their dream come true in the coming years.
Two milestones have brought the project forward in this time: the signing of the ground contract with the building's ownership and the approval of the creation of the project at the entity's Ordinary General Assembly last June. We explain everything to you below!
The General Assembly of Sostre Cívic approves the creation of the project
One of the points discussed at the Ordinary General Assembly held on June 14 was the approval of the creation of the Walden XXI project and the approval of the purchase of the farm in Sant Feliu de Guíxols where the initiative will be developed.

After an explanation of the project and the presentation of its data by two of its members, with 129 votes in favor and unanimously, the members who attended the Assembly approved the proposal.
Walden XXI is already one of the projects of Sostre Cívic! Now you can find it in our projects tab and read all its information in the your page.
Signature with the property
Prior to signing a deed of sale, it is usual to sign a private contract in order to set the basic conditions of the transaction and guarantee the fulfillment of the contract by both parties. The deposits are a payment and sign within the sale to confirm the contract and the commitment of the parties.

It is, then, an important step in the development of the project. Therefore, last July 19 we signed the land contract with the property of the building: a disused hotel in Sant Feliu de Guíxols that will be converted into 30 homes adapted for the elderly, under a right of use regime, and with a large provision of collective spaces on the 800 m2.
Consolidation of the group
In addition, one has been opened during the summer months registration process for new additions aimed at people interested in being part of this project, which closed last August 30. More than 40 people have filled out the form to join Walden XXI!

During the next few days, a selection will be made of all the registered interested parties and an informative meeting will be held on Saturday, September 14 to inform in detail about all the characteristics of the project and to have a space to get to know each other personally and talk calmly about doubts and future steps.
Still new to Walden XXI?
Walden XXI is something more than a senior co-housing, something more than a housing cooperative... As they themselves state in their Idea:
We are a community of free and democratic people, good neighbors, who want to disobey the current models of commercial geriatric homes.
We are the alternative to self-manage our old age without any commercial company solving residential housing for us obtaining a profit.
We are a transformative initiative: we do not want to establish ourselves as a co-housing cooperative in horizontal ownership because that would be to reproduce the capitalist model that understands housing as an investment.
We are a pioneering project that we want to leave to the next generation that will follow us the use of our property at a very affordable cost so that no one will ever, ever do business with residential housing for the elderly.
Our "payback" of the project is and will be having created with like-minded people, a few years of full and satisfying experiences and the security that living a full and self-managed old age is possible outside of commercial residences.
For more information, visit the project page.