
We work to make possible the first cooperative social housing project in Mollet

This Tuesday we presented, together with Mollet Town Council, the basic project to rehabilitate the old Casa dels Mestres and house up to 14 social housing for groups with emancipation problems. This is the first cooperative housing project in the city.

From left to right, the Councilor for Housing of the Mollet City Council, Núria Muñoz; the mayor of Mollet, Josep Monràs; and the project coordinator of Sostre Cívic, Àngel Estévez.

The old Casa dels Mestres, located on Carrer Francesc Macià de Mollet, will be used as social housing in a cooperative scheme under right of use. This is the project on which we have been working at the Mollet del Vallès Town Council and Sostre Cívic and which is embodied in an agreement signed between both parties.

The old building will be rehabilitated to accommodate up to 14 homes of different types: from 40 to 60m2, and two large shared homes. The project includes collective spaces with the intention of generating community life, such as an interior courtyard that will be the heart of the project. It will be a sustainable building, with energy certification A and practically zero consumption. 

The City Council undertakes to guarantee housing affordability through a financial contribution of €550.000. This will allow all the homes to be allocated to specific groups in the city with emancipation problems, with the aim of guaranteeing the right to housing.

The project is conceived from a community logic and as the seed of an alternative model of access to housing. It is a pioneering and innovative project in Catalonia given that it not only seeks more affordable housing, but also seeks to recover networks that allow us to live together freer from doors in and doors out.

The project presented has already completed the phase of preliminary studies that guarantee its viability. In order to be able to move forward with the definitive project, it is necessary to close the procedure by which the Consistory will make the financial contribution, determine the basis for awarding the future users and, finally, bring the transfer of the building to Plenary Sostre Cívic. The people who will live there will have to become members of Sostre Cívic, and they will pay a monthly fee for the right to use the homes that could be 25-30% lower than the cost of an official protection rental home, according to previous studies done by the City Council and the cooperative.

There are plans to hold informative talks open to all those interested in this project. In the talks, the operation of the cooperative housing in right of use will be made known in more detail, what the housing will be like and how the project will work. The talks will be held online during the month of April and will be held by Sostre Cívic and the City Council. The specific date on which they will be held will be announced soon

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