
Summary of the Ordinary General Assembly of December 10, 2020

Last Thursday, December 10, 2020, the Ordinary General Assembly of Sostre Cívic which, exceptionally, due to the state of alarm that prevents the holding of face-to-face meetings, was carried out by virtual means.

With nearly 100 registered members, a success given the circumstances, the Assembly began with preliminary information of interest to the partners, where we learned from the hands of those responsible for the work, of La Constructiva, as the works on the cooperative housing projects evolve very favorably La Balma i Cirerers. Then, they were presented annual accounts for the year 2019, with exponential growth thanks to the launch of all the cooperative housing projects that we are building collectively!

In a second part of the Assembly, the proposal to change the statutes of the cooperative was passed, in order to improve the governance system, with the aim of responding to the current dimension of Sostre Cívic and growth challenges. The proposal to change the statutes presented to the Assembly is the result of an internal participation process that began with the creation of a working group of partners from various profiles and levels of involvement in May, and which transfer the conclusions of the process to the Governing Council in October. In summary, modifications are incorporated into the Statutes that include new participation bodies - such as the Project Council -; the development of the figures of "collaborating partner" and "working partner"; and also a weighted plural voting system for each group in the General Assembly, which reflects the plurality of existing members. The Board of Directors, the governing body of the cooperative between assemblies, is also being modified, in order to make it more solid and operational for the growth challenges that lie ahead.

Finally, it was submitted to the approval of the Assembly the Right to the surface of a lot in Avinguda Catalunya de Palamós, the result of an agreement between Sostre Cívic and the Empordà town council, for the creation of a new project of 34 homes, of which we will soon explain more details!

For partners: remember that you can consult the detailed documentation for each point in the La Interna page of the official meeting call.