
Training days "For a conscious, responsible home and crític"

The next October 6 and 20 we offer training days in Barcelona for all people interested in reflecting on how we make housing from a conscious perspective and crítica. Do you join?

Unfortunately, housing has been in the center of attention for years. As is well known, this is a basic need for shelter and physical protection, but at the same time it has basic social and relational functions that make up the backbone of our lives. The right to housing is unquestionable and at the moment there is a great struggle in society to guarantee it and there are numerous debates on how to deal with it.

These training days aim to address this construction of the right to housing, and to work and contribute to the debate on how we will define the next homes froman ethical and fair perspective addressing the different aspects, from the cooperative model to the more technical-constructive side.

Course content

During the conference we will cover the following topics:

  • The management of ethical construction.
    Schedule: 06/10 from 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
    Ponent: SostreCívic Yon Sanchez

  • Solidarity economy, consumption and housing.
    Schedule: 06/10 from 12.00 a.m. to 14.00 a.m.
    Ponent: Opcions, for a new culture of consumption. Tony Lodeiro.

  • Ethical insurance in construction.
    Schedule: 06/10 from 15.30 a.m. to 17.00 a.m.
    Ponent: Arç, ethical insurance brokerage. Jordi Tur

  • Theoretical framework of the HCCU and international experiences of alternative housing.
    Schedule: 06/10 from 17.15 a.m. to 18.45 a.m.
    Ponent: Richard Pointelin.

  • Right to housing and the struggles of citizenship.
    Schedule: 20/10 from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
    Ponent: DESC Observatory. Guillem Domingo

  • Sustainable construction.
    Schedule: 20/10 from 12.00 a.m. to 14.00 a.m.
    Ponent: The third skin, Architecture in bioconstruction.

  • Healthy housing construction.
    Schedule: 20/10 from 15.30 a.m. to 17.00 a.m.
    Ponent: BioHabita!

Practical data

Saturday 6 October, from 9.30am to 19.00pm
Saturday 20 October, from 9.30am to 17.30pm

Jussana Tower
Av. of Cardinal Vidal i Barraquer, 30.
08035 Barcelona
Metro Horta (L5) or Montbau (L3)

€10 for members of Sostre Cívic
€30 for non-members

30 people

Lunch included
The lunches are included with the registration, and will be provided by Barrinar, an entity of the solidarity economy whose objective is to promote ecological, local and transformative food through the realization of different awareness-raising activities and with the offering a sustainable catering service. Their menus are based on the use of local, local and seasonal foods with reduced waste and balanced and healthy menus.

Certificate of attendance
A certificate of attendance will be given to participants (minimum attendance at 6 sessions).

If you want to sign up…

If you are interested in participating, COMPLETE THIS FORM before October 2.

We will contact you to inform you if there are places available and to send you the instructions to make the payment and formalize your registration.

Remember that places are limited!